Explore the Chakra System to Manifest Your Business
Businesses are containers for our compassionate ideas. In order for our ideas to have impact, let’s process through this wise tool.
I had just finished my work day and signed into Zoom to join my yoga workshop, hosted by Mamapriya and Yogi Anne on Manifesting through the Chakras. We were a few weeks in and the lessons were beginning to sink in. We were asked to focus on something that we were currently calling into our lives and it was hard not to focus on my new business.
What am I doing? Is this my path? What do I want from this? Please universe, give me a sign.
As I listened, took notes and moved through the deep meditations, I couldn’t help but make the connection between the manifesting energy and the business journey. As business owners, I think we often struggle to ground ourselves and turn our ideas into action. We are eager to see our vision manifest and it’s worth the time and energy investment to honor this flow — from ideation, voicing, feeling, acting and ultimately grounding.
So, I want to share my insights with you.
The manifesting energy moves down the chakra system — from crown to root.
The Crown Chakra
Ether Energy | Sahasrana
This is where your ideas dwell before they are fully formed. Sometimes these thoughts are fleeting and can feel like small nudges. They flow in and out of our minds without warning or explanation. You might try to examine and hold them down so you can see the shape of the idea, but they have their own agenda. These ideas might exist in your mind for years — but don’t worry, they will make themselves known when you are ready. This is the ether space that we are all intuitively tapped into, the spiritual mind.
The Third Eye
Ether Energy | Ajna
Your ideas are no longer amorphous — you can see them in your mind and interact with the forming thought. You may ask the idea questions and try to understand it’s intention. “Hello, what shall I do with you?” This is a mixture of intuitive and creative thinking — exploring the feeling, shape, tone and possibility of this idea.
Then you’ll examine the idea with your rational, analytical mind — Is this possible? How would this actually play out? Could I really bring this idea to life?
The Throat Chakra
Air Energy | Vishuddha
As the energy moves down your body, the idea now experiments with language. How do you explain this to others? What is the language or messaging that you use to share this idea?
This stage can feel incredibly vulnerable, as you may be testing out the idea, voicing it to your inner circle or broader community. Remember, you will get better at explaining/communicating your ideas as time goes by. This takes practice, curiosity and grace.
Once you gain some traction in sharing this idea, your community will reflect the concept back to you, they might ask questions and want to engage — this process will allow you to “stress test” the idea. How do you answer those questions? How do you explain this idea more concretely? How do you process their opinions and requests?
The Heart Chakra
Air Energy | Anahata
Once you’ve vocalized and shared your ideas, you may have received a lot of divergent feedback and directions. People are interested and they see the power and potential of your idea. They might have shared with you how this service could or should be shaped, how you could run things. And that is okay. Validating your idea with the public can be valuable, but at some point you’ll need to tune out the noise and focus within your heart-space.
What feels right to you? How would this naturally flow from you? How can you tap back into that fluid, creative space and allow your mind and heart to be still and connected? Can you hear your internal voice telling you how these ideas should exist in the world?
It can be easy to skip the heart chakra because we haven’t developed self trust. We want to look outwards towards others who have done this before us. You may be in a space of learning, investing, following templates or 10-step action plans. These can all provide incredible support and validation, but the most aligned, sustainable business is one that is resourced within.
It’s great to see others succeed using their own system but that might not be right for you. Pause. Disconnect from external noise and listen to yourself.
What does this feel like? What feels aligned to you? How does this idea impact and manifest? How can you present this to the world through a truly authentic lens? Who do you really want this service to support? How does your vision feel? Visualize how your life looks with this idea manifest.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
FIre Energy | Manipura
Once you feel centered, it’s time to take action on your path. What you visualize is ultimately what you are working towards — so dream big! Once you have seen this future, it’s time to reverse engineer to your present moment.
Holding space for this process requires a lot of focus and grounding work. Write down your big vision then outline the big milestones you’d like to hit in the next few years. The closer you get to your present self, the more detailed the goals can be. Here is an example.
Reverse Engineer Your Big Goal
In 5 years I visualize the home I want to live in, I am a mother and have a business that is meeting my $X financial goal. I work 20 hours a week, spend quality time with my kids, have a beautiful garden and time to live slowly and creatively.
Year 4 — I am searching the market for a home to buy, I am hiring support, investing and outsourcing work, I have kid number 1 and I am planting seeds for that garden.
Year 3 — Now that I know my business better, I am streamlining my process and working shorter days. I am seeing a consistent financial flow and I’m able to invest regularly to nourish my business.
Year 2 — I am grounding in my foundation and being more selective about the exact work that I do, who I work with and what things I say yes and no to. I am tapping into flow and staying open and curious.
Year 1 — I am sharing my offerings, practicing self-care and investing what I can in courses and resources that will help me get started.
Month 6 — I will share, publish, promote X offering with the world.
Month 3 — I will build out and test X offering.
Month 2 — specific weekly milestones to hit
Weeks — daily tasks to take action on those smaller goals
If you would value more structure for this kind of planning, access this resource: Notion Idea Note Pad
It can be very easy to get caught in this phase. Your idea starts to feel quite large and heavy. You might be overwhelmed by these action steps. It’s important to start small. Creating very practical, easy to accomplish goals will allow you to feel empowered when you complete them. If you are creating lengthy tasks and plan out too far, you might be self-sabotaging. Create a reasonable task list or schedule for just tomorrow. Once you accomplish following a daily plan a few times, try creating a list for 2 days, 3 days, 1 week, etc.
Taking action takes practice.
Don't be down on yourself if you don’t manage to follow your plan perfectly, you’re human. Tapping into and honoring your energy levels is a skill that you’ll eventually cultivate.
Once you feel comfortable planning out a week at a time and accomplishing your tasks, try planning a rough outline for a month. Try a super rough outline for 6 months. This skill takes time to cultivate, so be patient with yourself.
This is also a great time to work with a business coach and connect with someone that can support you as you build your roadmap to these big goals.
The solar plexus is the action, building and work of your business. This action step won’t ever really be done as long as your business is operating. You’ll have to make connections, invest time and maintain your business structure.
Build this structure slowly and mindfully, so you aren’t creating a bunch of re-do tasks for your future self.
Although it’s so easy to get pulled into a hustle or fast paced business culture — set reminders for yourself to connect back to your heart space and make sure you are acting with integrity.
The Sacral Chakra
Water Energy | Svadhishthana
This is the space and moments in your business where you can step back and see the impact you are having. You feel proud of the mindful structure you’ve built and you see it operating and sustaining itself. You are working with people who share an aligned vision. Folks are interacting with your business and your conscious ideas. You can see the ripple effect. These are moments of contentment, accomplishment and pleasure.
The Root Chakra
Earth Energy | Muladhara
Your business is a container for your ideas — they are thriving, grounded and manifest. You are secure, financially stable, able to give back and you witness your vision creating the impact that you once dreamed of in the ether space.
Once you are rooted and grounded, you are able to give more of yourself to your family, your community, to a new business idea, to an expanded vision or to just give back to yourself. The effect of being grounded allows you to flow up and down the chakra system and call in new ideas and manifest them. The more you practice this, the easier it is to create an aligned life, business and community.